
Foundation dates

L’Arche La Corolle: 1983

L’Arche Fribourg: 1983

Arche Im Nauen: 1985

The three communities of L’Arche in Switzerland embody the country’s spirit of close and warm teamwork between those at home using German, those at home using French, and those who happily communicate without using words at all!

Wherever they live, and whatever their abilities, L’Arche members help each other to climb to the peaks of life, by developing their capacities in all directions. High or low, each peak offers a unique beauty, and a viewpoint worth sharing.

2021 Annual Report (Deutsch)

You and me, the three of us.

Denise, core-member from L'Arche Im Nauen

What's New in Switzerland

Each kilometre counts!

How to pay for a new roof? Here’s L’Arche Germany’s imaginative solution: to spend a week walking together, from 18-25 June, and sleeping under other people’s roofs!

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