The voices of L’Arche

People living with an intellectual disability have gifts, insights, and leadership that lead us to discover new ways of living and being.

Together, let’s imagine a different world and…let’s live it!

#AsIAm – Web Series

Discover 12 true stories

“If we all watched one video like this a day, I think we’d start seeing the world very differently, and become our better selves.”

These surprising, inspiring and deeply moving short-films invite you to see disability differently.

Our ambition is simple, we invite you to imagine the world differently and to rejoice in who you are as you are.

“Words of the World” - Web Doc

A collection of prolific interviews

They have an original way of looking at the world, of speaking of culture, of being citizens, and yet nobody ever asks them their opinion!

“Words of the World” interviewed 34 people with an intellectual disability from 34 different countries. 34 members of L’Arche communities from the four corners of the world.

Our ambition is simple: to explore, with you, the mystery of human diversity.

“Free to be”

A video touching hundreds of thousands of people

Canadian singer-songwriter Jordan Hart enlisted Michael McDonald, from L’Arche Canada, to create a music video that would shine a spotlight on people with intellectual disabilities.

Michael knew that the story would be best told from the perspective of someone with a disability. He reached out to Nick Herd, a Canadian actor with Down syndrome to join the project as creative director. The Academy Award-winning studio, Tonic DNA agreed to animate the entire music video.

L'Arche: This is us

Simple stories about transformative friendship

L’Arche UK shares with us: This is us. This short film features Eleanor and Nia from the Manchester Community, Fred and James from the Bognor Community, and Kathy and Malcolm from the Kent Community. In it, they introduce L’Arche by talking about their friendship and what they have learned from each other.

“Uđi u arku” – Enter L'Arche

An invitation to built community together

Arka Korablja, L’Arche in Croatia, launch the campaign “Uđi u arku” (Enter L’Arche)

“When a man dreams alone, then it is only a dream, but when more people dream together, then it can become a reality.”

Their goal is to dream and realise those dreams, together. Through one of their programs, an educational workshop, they publish a book to educate young children in school.

The Light of L'Arche

“I see the light of L’Arche in my home and people.”

To see the light of L’Arche is to see the world differently, to celebrate all the ways we can connect across differences. That’s where friendships take root and grow, friendships that are transformational.

Building these kinds of friendships takes dedication and spirit. Thankfully, Eileen in our Greater Washington D.C. (USA) community has both! Eileen has been the Friendship Builder at L’Arche GWDC (USA) for many years, spending a lot of her time “meeting other people” where they are and introducing them to the Light of L’Arche.

Recitation of a poem

“You know that you are human?”

Roman, from L’Arche in Ukraine, proclaims the words of Vasyl Symonenko, an ukrainian poet, “You know that you are human?”.

Whoever we are, whatever our social background, faith or philosophical outlook, taller or shorter, younger or older, with more or with less, without an intellectual disability, or with one, we are all human beings.

Movie released, on December 3, 2020, in honour of International Day for People with Disabilities.

We need yoursupport

For nearly 60 years, L’Arche is empowering people with intellectual disabilities as citizens and contributors to society.

Make a difference with us