Volunteer opportunity: Sau Paolo, Brazil

Country: Brazil 

City: Sau Paulo 

Language: Portuguese 

Length of commitment: +/- 12 months 



Accompanying resident adults with a developmental disability in their daily life. Living alongside, helping to clean, educate, create, sing, danse, etc. The foreign volunteer is an additional support to activities that are also confided to localed salaried people, without replacement them. The volunteer would specifically be bringing an international dimension and perspective to the local team with the goal of assisting in their personal and professional development.  

Financial support available

  • Support for plane ticket (up to 1000 euros) 
  • Volunteer would be housed and fed during entire duration of placement

Costs for volunteer to cover 

  • Travel Insurance 
  • Working Visa

To apply, please contact Islay Purcell: islay.purcell@larche.org