Training and Formation report is out!

All these sessions give participants the invaluable opportunity to meet and reflect with others from different cultures and countries, and to experience the international dimension of the Federation.

Our priorities for this year, as you will see in our programme, are:

  • Fundamentals:  Identity and Mission
  • Sessions to train people across the federation to give this session.
  • A session to enable people with disabilities and assistants to explore together the Identity and Mission  (In the Footsteps of l’Arche)
  • Inclusion : learning to include all members in our dialogues and reflexions
  • Partners in the Mission : for boards and community leaders
  • Leadership formation:  for new and ongoing community and national leaders, international envoys and regional leaders.


You will see we have introduced two new programmes, in collaboration with l’Arche in France:

  • Together in the Mission: a programme in two sessions (in Trosly and Krakow) for members who have been in l’Arche for at least 5 years to reflect on their journey and place in l’Arche.
  • Living Together: towards non-violent ways of communication in the community.

A session as part of the year of reconciliation in l’Arche for people with learning disabilities and assistants.

We will also be answering local needs when possible, so please don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions, needs, ideas!

You can contact us on or

Christine Bruggeman and Jane Langlet

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