News from L’Arche Bethlehem (Palestine)


The L’Arche community is in Bethlehem, a Palestinian town on the West Bank which is a mainly Palestinian area. It is about 10 minutes by car from Jerusalem where the recent violence started but an hour away by car from Gaza, where most of the subsequent violence has taken place.

The community leader Mahera says: ?We all would like to thank you so much for your messages, we really need your prayers as the situation is really hard. There have been no Israeli rockets in our area but as a community and whole society we are really affected economically and psychologically. The last year was a very difficult year due to Covid-19, we had the vaccine last month and things started to get better, then war started!!! It is really too much!! Here in Bethlehem we depend on tourism, we were just waiting for the pandemic to be over and were full of hope that by the end of this summer tourists would start to visit the Holy Land. Now we are in the middle of this difficult and violent situation.

We are all very thankful to be part of this wonderful federation, every day we received emails asking about how we are and telling us that their thoughts and prayers are with us. Really thank you all.?

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