Stage 2 - Step 2 // Beads from the Federation

L'Arche à Strasbourg

Arche Deutschland & Österreich

Solidarity Partnerships Cohesion between communities worldwide "One L'Arche Vision" - e.g. events/activities (added for explanation: things we do to support one another – for example fundraising activities) mutual support

L'Arche à Grasse

Titre : Vivre à l'Arche Perle réalisée par les assistants de l'Arche à Grasse en Week-end assistant. Situations compliquées parfois avec l'équipe ou les personnes accueillies. Mais on y trouve de l'écoute et de la solidarité. Thème du départ : récurent à l'Arche. Compliqué de partir. Question de l'attachement.

L’Arche en Haute-Savoie

L'Arche Zimbabwe

As L'Arche Zimbabwe we resemble people lying in a circle. Nobody taller or more important than the other. Each one playing a crucial role in the formation of the circle

L'Arche Wroclaw

L'Arche Lille Metropole

Association La Corolle

L'Arche en Pays Comtois

• La richesse de la rencontre : en communauté nous faisons l’expérience de la rencontre. Et nous découvrons que ces rencontres nous transforment, elles nous permettent d’avancer, de progresser. Elles sont une nourriture fortifiante.

L'Arche Lethbridge

United States
L'Arche Jacksonville

Making art is the vocation of many of our Core Members. It is their work and passion and a way of expressing themselves. It allows them to share their gifts with a wide audience. It enlightens people to the talents people with IDD have. It inspires us to be more creative in our own lives. Our Rainbow Workshop represents our mission in all it allows Core Members to experience and all that Core Members can share with the world.

Arche Im Nauen

FREIHEIT / LIBERTE - auto-détermination - pouvoir participer à al vie de la société (après tout ce temps de réstriction à cause du covid, cette envie de participer à la vie est très grande) - Pouvoir dire ce qui me préocupe, être pris au sérieux

Arche e.V. Ravensburg

third try :-)

Arca do Brasil

UNIDADE: Uma equipe unida sabe que só se alcança qualquer destino quando todos remam na mesma direção.

L'Arche Brisbane

Friendship, Love and Respect

L'Arche Australia

National Council Australia/New Zealand Conflict, Lack of Resources and Poor communication

United Kingdom
L'Arche Edinburgh

Boat David's House submitted this very creative interpretation of "make a L'Arche boat from something in your house". They even photoshopped in J who was unable to be physically present due to having to self-isolate at the time. Finding joy even in the challenges of a pandemic. We submitted this image in stage 1, and the community still really liked this image in stage 2, feeling it didn't need any further refining as it still resonated.

L'Arche Namur-Bierges asbl - site de Bierges

Les personnes de notre centre de jour ont choisi cette perle. Elle est la plus représentative de ce qu'ils aiment vivre ensemble: s'écouter, partir en vacances, participer aux ateliers, être indépendant.

L'Arche Antigonish

L'Arche Genesaret

Together, Understanding, Life

L'Arche Namur-Bierges asbl - site de Bierges

Cette perle a été crée par notre équipe éducative. Elle est représentative de l'année mouvementée que l'on a vécu dans notre communauté: confinement, déménagement, changement dans l'équipe, départs... Certains changements sont difficiles à vivre mais ils nous apportent également de l'ouverture, de l'évolution, de la nouveauté.. et on en ressort grandi !

L'Arche Montréal

Perle : Appartenance La pelote de toutes les couleurs symbolise que nous sommes liés les uns aux autres, comme une famille, en interdépendance, chacun ayant sa place et participant à sa façon (canvas, aiguilles à tricoter, crochet), dans des relations diverses, qui parfois sont difficiles (nœuds : on peut les défaire, et réajuster – il ne faut pas tirer, mais prendre son temps pour les défaire). Les bouts de la pelote sont ouverts pour indiquer que L’Arche ne doit pas rester fermée sur elle-même.

L’Arche en Haute-Savoie

United Kingdom
L'Arche Brecon

We can impose too much order and do it in such a way that it prevents new life; so how to open up space for life, for something beautiful to grow? We need to recognise that order on its own is not enough to bring forth life... order can be just about managing what we know; but life springs up unexpectedly when we can risk being comfortable together with the unknown too; learning to be open to being surprised by the new, the unplanned...

L'Arche Genesaret

Together in chaos and wonder

De Ark Gent

Ouvrir des murs: dialogue entre des gens et interaction entre communauté et institution Opening walls: dialogue between people and interaction between community and institution

Association La Corolle

L'Arche Gdynia - Project

LOVE, which at L'Arche is primarily expressed through care, compassion, forgiveness, kindness, authenticity and sincerity. Love expressed in this way adds colour to our ordinary everyday life. Love that gives life. Love is God, the Supreme Name - Jesus.

United States
L'Arche Syracuse

being held in the boat/ the calming of the storm/ serving one another/ participating/ together we are better/ valuing diversity We recognize partnership, collaboration, transparency, good communication and an attitude of “together we are better” as essential to building a healthy atmosphere in L’Arche.

L'Arche Greater Vancouver

Czech Republic
L'Arche Villa Vallila z.u. - Project

This bead express an "Acceptance" - Acceptence the others in the community how they are as well the others will accept me how I am.

Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso

Nous témoignons de notre vivre ensemble à travers nos différentes rencontres communautaires.

Regional Office - L'Arche Ontario

We have been transformed in living community. We need to share our gifts with others.

L'Arche Le Sénevé

L'Arche Abitibi-Témiscamingue

L'Arche Hamilton

Inspired by a bead done in one of our homes depicting a staircase, we shared in community the things that give us life (going "up" the stairs), and those things that don't give us life (going "down"). Our platform in the middle is where we stand: Rooted in our past, grounded in our present, growing in our future.

United States
L'Arche Greater Washington DC

We are waking up to our need for diversity, equity, and inclusion. The charter process is modeling that. We as a community are trying to be aware of power and privilege at work; and recognizing our own authority and influence. This makes us more open to healing. We cannot cling to one vision… we must hold our vision lightly so we can respond to surprises. Like an orchestra that makes space for each instrument while creating one masterpiece, we are asked to call out each of our gifts in turn, while playing together.

United States
L'Arche Noah Sealth of Seattle

We believe that spirituality as the root of L'Arche. This not about any specific religion but about an essence of a spirituality that allows us to reveal the unique unrepeatable grace of each person's life and sharing that with the world.

L'Arche Stratford

This bead was revised from it's original version to more accurately reflects the importance of living our mission both within L'Arche Stratford and beyond ourselves expanding connections to our neighbours, friends, families, governments, etc. By strengthening relationships within and moving out beyond ourselves we acknowledge our uniqueness and share the gift of who we are with others.

L'Arche L'Etoile

Titre : Mutualité dans les relations La mutualité (comportement, entraide, esprit) nous amène à la transformation (exposé à notre Être, ne pas avoir peur et avoir confiance en soi, en l’autre). C’est s’ouvrir. L’injustice : le côté ombragé dans la relation qui amène de l’abus de pouvoir quand on ne connaît pas, c’est facile d’abuser. (L’autorité peut gagner) La méconnaissance fait qu’on peut abuser, c’est l’autorité mal gérée.

United Kingdom
L'Arche UK

Our prime focus is not on one another but gazing on the world together - together we take our reality out into the wider reality: we are partners in the mission, engaging together in our society.

United States
L'Arche Spokane

L'Arche à Cognac

L'Arche La Ruisselée

L'Arche Kana-No-Ie

L'Arche Homefires

Czech Republic
L'Arche Villa Vallila z.u. - Project

This Bead expresses "Co-operation" - working towards a common goal.

L'Arche Le Sycomore

Asha Niketan Chennai

It's not always easy to have positive thinking, it is a challenge, and especially during pandemic time. But positive thinking brings us life, happiness and trust.

El Arca Buenos Aires

La pandemia nos enseñó que a pesar de la muerte y el sufrimiento, si permanecemos juntos, con nuestros corazones y manos unidas, podemos volver a florecer. Este dolor nos hizo más fuertes y a través de la comprensión y el consuelo de unos a otros, pudimos como comunidad vivir una verdadera resurrección, y nos dio vida una vez más, a pesar de todas las adversidades.

Ma'an lil-Hayat-L'Arche Bethlehem

Razan, one of our brilliant coremembers drew this picture representing her workshop that she loves. In the middle the meeting table where all meet together several times a day to share and eat . at the right side the (Roses) group and at the left side the (happiness) group, the two working groups. Razan and her friends love their workshop and Ma'an Lilhayat

L'Arche Belgium

Les charges des communautés sont croissantes : Elles sont liées au vieillissement des personnes, aux lourdeurs des handicaps, aux contraintes administratives et législatives, aux conséquences des choix passé. Ces réalités rendent plus difficile de dégager du temps pour contribuer au développement de la région.

L'Arche Wroclaw

L'Arche Belgium

Elaborer un projet régional fort : Développer des relations interpersonnelles de qualité dans ce qui existe au plan régional, mais nous manquons de moyens et de temps pour réaliser l’idéal souhaité.

L'Arche Suisse

United Kingdom
L'Arche London (UK)

New life being grown, new beginnings after challenges Strong roots help us to flourish Growing together and nurturing one another through the seasons of life Planting, caring and harvesting

United Kingdom
L'Arche Highland

Arche Tecklenburg e.V.

Hope for fulfilled life! - for every person individually (work rest balance) - for the community - beliving that after storm we experience sunshine and that God's promises will be fulfilled (reinbow)

United States
L'Arche Syracuse

We also believe much of the 1993 Charter is still very true and important. The aims and principles are still relevant, the calls to growth, to be a community of faith, to unity and to be integrated into society still speak to us. As our 1993 Charter states: They need to live in an atmosphere of trust, security and mutual affection. They need to be valued, accepted and supported in real and warm relationships. What gives life? Participation. Hugs, being together. Energy from other people; being in the homes with our people; celebrations; being with; feeling accepted; valuing diversity; diversity stretches you. We must recognize and accept the both/and of the truth of our life. For example, both the positives of celebration, sharing, simplicity, and the negatives of busyness and scarcity, and the fragility of living both are a part of our reality.

L'Arche Perth - Project

Celebration, Life, Joy

L'Arche Poland

L'Arche Beni-Abbes

Connection, Honouring of each other, Stories

L'Arche Sudbury Inc


L'Arche en Anjou

vive le vie et l'amitié qui nourrit notre quotidien. Autour des repas,des fêtes, des invitations.

L'Arche Cork

Sharing our lives together, doing normal simple things like eating, walking, working, singing, praying, laughing with our friends makes us very happy

L'Arche Kenya

The 1st of our most precious bead is TOGETHERNESS. The photos show a moment we are all together during a celebration and another moment we are together while taking a cup of tea. Being together during meals, celebrations, prayers, gatherings…….makes our bond in community stronger and it gives us joy and a lot to look forward to. We cherish moments of being together and this gives us life

L'Arche Internationale

L'Arche Portland close 6th of top beads: Spirituality Image on left: large tree with big, complex roots and light shining through the branches. Image on right: white bird with wings stretched out, flying through a blue sky. Our spiritual roots are in Taize-style prayer and the Portland Catholic archdiocese... ...But our diverse members call us to grow wings... ...How do we nurture both our roots and wings?

L'Arche Wroclaw

L'Arche Toronto

United States
L'Arche Noah Sealth of Seattle

An Openness to Growth and Transformation are at the heart of what we are fortunate to live, and this is often revealed through our ordinary lives being filled with extraordinary moments. L'Arche is rooted in "experiencing" live in the everyday.

L'Arche à Cognac

L'Arche Lethbridge

United Kingdom
L'Arche Kent

Hands/ belonging

L'Arche Punla

Relationship with respect.

L'Arche Comox Valley

Our community is a place where we open our hearts to the rich diversity of humanity and of God's creation.

L'Arche Belgium

Solidarité vis-à-vis des communautés défavorisées. C'est un projet mobilisateur pour nos communautés qui est facilité par la structuration de la recherche de fonds en région.

L'Arche Le Moulin de l'Auro

On s'est inspiré de cette perle pour enrichir notre exposition. A l'Arche, on est accepté comme on est, avec nos différences (religions, horizons, handicaps...). On apprend à connaitre des nouvelles personnes.

L'Arche à Paris

El Arca en Queretaro

Momentos de amistad. En el Arca en Querétaro han habido pequeños encuentros de amistad,. estos momentos alimentan no sólo a quienes se encuentran, sino a tod@s los que gozamos de verlos!

Arche Tirol

Das Leben in der Arche Gemeinschaft, ist wie in einer Familie: Höhen und Tiefen, Feste und Abschiede in einem, vielfältige Spiritualität erleben. Life in the Ark community, is like in a family: ups and downs, celebrations and farewells in one, experience diverse spirituality.


L'Arche Lille Metropole

L'Arche Fribourg

L'Arche Uganda

We need to be open to each other, to be confident, to speak up if we wish community to thrive. Gossiping and blaming does not promote unity and growth, it hinders and kills the spirit of community, it creates tension and suspicion.

L'Arche en Pays Comtois

• L’accueil dans la simplicité : Nous avons soif d’être nous-mêmes, de ne plus jouer un rôle et nous espérons que ce qui fait notre différence ne soit plus un obstacle. En communauté l’accueil dans la simplicité nous permet de le vivre.

Dominican Republic
El Arca de la Republica Dominicana

El proceso de reflexión en esta 2da etapa nos ha dejado muchas cosas positivas, como las que narramos a continuación: • Hemos creado un lazo grande de amistad entre las Personas acogidas y asistentes. • Nos ha hecho reflexionar sobre diferentes situaciones de nuestras vidas, una de ellas es que al vivir con el peligro del contagio / covid-19, que de cierta forma nos aleja, nos aísla…, pero también esta situación nos ha permitido aproximarnos de diferentes maneras, como por ejemplo por medio de herramientas que nos facilita estar más cerca de nuestros seres queridos y así mismo nuestras comunidades se han aproximado con mucha más frecuencia, se comunican más regularmente. • Es un interesante tiempo de APRENDIZAJE MUTUO: poco a poco descubrimos pequeñas cosas que creíamos saber del otro y gracias a este proceso nos acercamos más como comunidad, compartimos más tiempo, pero sobre todo aprendemos el uno del otro. Más allá de todo, ha sido un tiempo donde descubrimos y confirmamos NUESTRAS MARAVILLOSAS PERLAS y entre muchas logramos elegir 3 de las fundamentales para toda nuestra comunidad: ° SOLIDARIDAD Esos sentimientos y actitudes de: respaldo, apoyo mutuo, ayuda, protección, con que la mayoría de la comunidad se identifica. ° AMOR MUTUO: es ese algo que la comunidad refleja con tan solo darle un vistazo y cuando la visitas, lo sientes, con la acogida y el cariño que te dan, te hacen sentir parte de ella. ° RESPETO: el respeto es fundamental para la comunidad; representa el valorar y el tolerar las diferencias y comprender que, a través del RESPETO, nos permite crecer. Yhan Carlos Acero. Responsable del proceso CARTA FUNDAMENTAL EL ARCA DOMINICANA

L'Arche Arnprior

This step of the Charter Process has been revealing, encouraging and hopeful. We were able to talk about the past year with Covid-19 and Jean's revelation. It was a thorny conversation but hope and community were the theme of our conversations. Usborne Street house agreed that the words in their beads carried their sentiments but have changed the visual to express more what they have in their hearts and minds.

L'Arche Le Sycomore

United States
L'Arche Noah Sealth of Seattle

As a community we believe that "creating home" where people feel they share in relationships where they belong is at the essence of who we are called to be. "Home" doesn't simply meaning within physical homes, but the sense of "being at home" whether we are within our own community or the ripple effect we are called to in sharing that sense of home in our creating neighborhoods, across counntries and around the world.

L'Arche Internationale

L'Arche Portland - honorable mention, a close 4th place in top beads: Advocacy & Justice Image: Gradients of black, brown, and white stripes on a fist, inside of a circle with transgender flag stripes of light blue, pink, and white, with a background of a rainbow pride flag with colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. We are in solidarity with the oppressed.

L'Arche à Grenoble

Nous avons aimé regarder le mur d'inspiration, et la perle de l'Arche de Bouaké nous a beaucoup plu. Nous y avons ajouté nos propres mots, et des signes d'autres religions. Nous avions le souci de ceux qui avaient écrit cette perle, merci pour leur belle idée, nous espérons qu'ils seront fiers que nous ayons choisi de repartir de leur perle.

L'Arche Winnipeg Inc.

We celebrate the many gifts that give us joy and satisfaction in our life together. The pandemic has reminded us to not take for granted simple things like eating at the table together, visiting our friends in the hospital and meeting with family both near and far. In spite of revelations around Jean Vanier we know that much of what we have learned in L’Arche is a gift.

L'Arche Arnprior

This step of the Charter Process has been revealing, encouraging and hopeful. We were able to talk about the past year with Covid-19 and Jean's revelation. It was a thorny conversation but hope and community were the theme of our conversations. However, Arthur street house spoke that the words were still appropriate. We have updated the visual that reflects the current stage.

L'Arche Montréal

Perle : Viens-tu dans mon bateau ? Le ponton symbolise la stabilité et la sécurité qui sont conférées par le fait que le foyer est la maison des gens. Il est aussi un lieu où se vit la joie d’être ensemble. L’Arc-en-ciel exprime les valeurs qui y sont inscrites.

United States
L'Arche Boston North dba Irenicon Inc.

In L'Arche, we believe that we learn and grow and become the best version of ourselves in relationship with other people. We believe that community brings people together across race, age, religion, gender, and ability, and that the relationships that form are both a beautiful fruit of our community and its very reason for being.

L'Arche Adelaide - Project

Relationships, Sharing, Faith

United Kingdom
L'Arche London (UK)

Sharing life together in the everyday

L'Arche Greater Vancouver

L'Arche Australia

Vision, Hope, Welcome, Authentic, Purpose, Willingness, Spiritual

New Zealand
L'Arche Kapiti

Sharing meals together, celebrating one another and PARTYING!!


Il Chicco

Asha Niketan Bangalore

This is not only community but home and here we receive beautiful life. this home give us a chance to build beautiful relationship and love. we are secure and well taken care by each other. we all feel useful when we work together. we have a beautiful garden, we celebrate together and we all enjoy celebration. I love me home (Aramuda)

L'Arche Aywaille

Notre histoire de vie est importante, nous souhaitons la raconter, montrer des photos, nous souvenir - se sont nos racines. Nous souhaitons garder, soigner ou recréer les liens avec nos familles biologiques, trouver des amis dans et en dehors de la communauté. Au quotidien fêter les retrouvailles, danser, chanter, manger ensemble, rire, partager les bons moments entre nous et avec nos familles et amis. Nous avons besoin de moments spirituels; liens avec les générations antérieures, avec notre culture, avec Dieu, avec le monde ... Les moyens d'expression sont différents, diversifiés, créatifs, individuels ou collectifs (célébrations, prière, méditation, silence, « pensée bougie », groupe de parole, envolée de ballons, simple présence, câlin, promenade en foret …). Lorsque nous vivons des moments difficiles (ruptures, deuils, départs, ...) nous avons besoin d'aide et de soutien (anticipation des départs, préparation de la fin de vie, suivi psychologique individualisé, temps d'écoute, moments de partage avec tous, protection ...)

L'Arche Namur-Bierges asbl / site de Namur

L'Arche Namur-Bierges asbl / site de Namur

L'Arche à Reims

Signification: "A travers les rencontres et les différentes activités que je fais à L'Arche, j'ai l'impression de grandir encore, de devenir plus moi-même. » ( Parole d’une personne accueillies au SAJ) L'Arche est un lieu de croissance personnelle : nous sommes tous invités à faire un travail sur sur soi-même pour devenir un "meilleur moi" Beaucoup de jeunes (volontaires, stagiaires, bénévoles, amis, ...) se "réveillent" à l'Arche. L'Arche peut être un tremplin pour les jeunes à trouver leur voie professionnelle. (Paroles d'un groupe d'assistants) Commentaire: la 4-ième pers. dans la lignée n'est pas à sa place selon sa taille, mais elle est convaincue d'être plus grande que la personne devant elle, elle lève la tête en essayant de se grandir. Le groupe était d'accord avec cette différence de perception et a donné la priorité au compromis qu'à la dispute.

Arca do Brasil

SAUDADE: Se há algum conforto na morte de alguém que amamos, é o de saber que a pessoa está indo para um lugar onde não há tristeza, maldade e dor! Saudades Sebatião e Tiago!

Arche Deutschland & Österreich

Diverse community - Together we are strong! the small pictures: left: belong to right: a special value/meaning Added for better understanding: - Music - Celebrations/traditions connect all communities, as they are partly identical - every human being has a special value; inviolability of the human being - to belong, to be allowed to be as I am; to belong to a group, to be a part of something - a place for sharing/exchange

L'Arche Kovcheh

The three beads we have chosen are very meaningful to our community. The first is about friendship and a real meeting with each other - which are the basis of the Community for us. This photo was chosen by many people because we know personally these 2 people who are on it. We know how sincere they are in their relationships, and plus this is a photo from our festival that we are holding to testify to the residents of the city the value that we have opened in L`Arche. The photo with the boat is a joint work of the team of one of the community workshops. It was a symbol that everyone is a seed that has fallen on the good soil of the community and can germinate, bloom and bear fruit :) and the last bead, it was about the distance we cover in the community. Quarantine reminded us of the value of presence and the value of meeting, but also in the community as a whole we are called to overcome distances and what separates us, sometimes it takes months or even years.

L'Arche Mymensingh

Explanations of the Beads from Bangladesh Bead 1 Welcome ‘Welcome’ is a first step to develop a good relationship Bead 2 Good relationship We can move forward together through good relationship by love each other Bead 3 Inter-religious life Our lives are filled by love

L'Arche de la Vallee

El Arca de Choluteca

Unidad: Una de nuestras perlas es la Unidad, nos sentimos completos como comunidad cuando todos participamos, es un sentimiento que juntos podemos lograr nuestras metas tenemos un sentido de pertenencia y un compromiso hacia cada uno de nosotros y la comunidad. Resiliencia: Para nuestra comunidad esta es una perla importante porque hemos sufrido muchas dificultades. Recibimos las pruebas y estás no nos detienen al contrario nos impulsan y reverdecemos como los arboles Espiritualidad: Es el fundamento de nuestra comunidad, es por fe que seguimos adelante , es una convicción que es un proyecto que crece con Dios y continúa con Dios.

United Kingdom
L'Arche Liverpool

It has been hard living in our bubbles, but something beautiful has come out of it. We are more creative and feel closer as a community.

L'Arche Saskatoon

We find joy at L'Arche because of the relationships we have. It's these relationships that help us know we belong, are free, and are loved. These relationships transform us; they make us happier, kinder, and more compassionate.

L'Arche Stratford

This bead was originally created by Community Council in Stage 1. It remained without revision in this stage as people continued to feel it resonated with them.

New Zealand
L'Arche Kapiti

Supporting each other through harmony and tensions of life, it's joy and it's grief.

L'Arche de la Vallee

De Ark Antwerpen

DRAGEN EN GEDRAGEN WORDEN TO CARRY AND TO BE CARRIED Het verlangen in de toekomst: – meer mens zijn, ieder met zijn gaven en beperkingen, ieder mag er zijn! – Huiselijke en warme sfeer behouden. – Samen doen, samen eten, leven delen! Our desire for the future: – being more human, each one with their gifts and limitations, each one is allowed to be as they are! – Maintaining a homely and warm atmosphere. – Doing things together, eating together, sharing life! We hebben respect voor ieders eigenheid en worden zelf ook gerespecteerd in die eigenheid. We respect everyone’s uniqueness and are respected for that uniqueness.

Ireland / Northern Ireland
L'Arche Belfast

Finding The Pieces Of The Puzzle is a culmination of the beads we created throughout this process. This final piece expresses the joy and hardship of being interconnected. We like being present and spending quality time together (from meeting new staff and volunteers from all over the world; working in our offices, three houses, and projects; celebrating special events, etc., to the copious amounts of tea and coffee we drink over great conversations). But being in community has its difficulties - like communication failures or not having the emotional resources for the tasks of the day. Not only is it okay to have time and space from our duties to refresh ourselves, but it is also an essential part of building community. Throughout this year, we have learned to adapt, be flexible, and be gracious to each other through challenging times. We are in this community together. I suppose what we’re saying is that L’Arche challenges us to constantly ‘start again’, even (especially?) in the face of ‘failure’. We’re all connected and if anybody is ‘not okay’ then everybody is ‘not okay’. We want L’Arche to be a place where ‘everyone can be okay’. We need to be brave enough to say how we feel, open enough to listen to each other, even if that makes life difficult, and try our best to let everyone feel at home. L’Arche is a jigsaw puzzle. If a single piece is missing, the picture isn’t complete. But in order to be the piece we need to be to make the picture complete, we need to ‘fit’ beside each other.

L'Arche Lethbridge

L'Arche Le Sénevé

L'Arche Le Moulin de l'Auro

Cette perle est très appréciée par la communauté car nous aimons faire la fête, être ensemble lors des célébrations et rencontrer les autres communautés.

L'Arche à Reims

Photo : cuisine/La Caravelle "Le bonheur est caché dans les petites choses du quotidien !" On s'amuse beaucoup ensemble. Groupe consulté : personnes internes au foyer.

L'Arche Bruxelles

Regional Office - L'Arche Ontario

L'Arche Aywaille

Les personnes de l’Espérance, de la Mancelle et de la Maisonnée expliquent leur perle: Nous avons besoin d’être aiguillés: - expliquer, discuter, évaluer - réfléchir aux conséquences de nos choix - voir ce qui est possible, ce qui existe … - pouvoir expérimenter divers chemins - oser se tromper individuellement - car chacun a d’autres besoins et compétences de façon compétente: responsables-éducateurs-volontaires formés, ouverts et humains « on ne peut pas faire n’importe quoi » être partenaires: équipes - personnes accueillies - familles pour pouvoir: - faire nos propres choix - évoluer (foyer – semi – autonomie - autonomie) - construire notre bonheur - notre vie d’adultes!

Skupnost Barka

Ma'an lil-Hayat-L'Arche Bethlehem

We try always try to live the positive and encouraging feelings that you can see on our tree . And even if we face the things on the ground , we continue and move forward together in the team spirit

L'Arche Wroclaw

L'Arche en Agenais

United Kingdom
L'Arche Brecon

This past year of living through lockdown, and with all Covid-19 health issues has been tough for us: stretching, tiring, and with few if any of the usual opportunities to relax together in the normal way; but even these hard, arid conditions can have their purpose: like others, we have learnt not to take for granted the 'usual opportunities'; the dryness of the ground we're walking through makes us long for the fun of cool splashing water

United Kingdom
L'Arche Ipswich

Life at l'Arche allows us to acknowledge, recognise and even value our shadow. Cornerstone House. Ipswich. UK

L'Arche en Pays Toulousain

Cette perle évoque la vie au foyer et parle de la communication entre nous quel que soit le lieu. Le "simple présence" indique que le dialogue entre nous ne passe pas seulement par des mots mais une façon d'être essentielle ou plutôt suffit parfois d'être ensemble et de caresser un chat pour se sentir en communion ou communication vraie.

L'Arche Canada

This is from Le Printemps

Arche e.V. Ravensburg

Third try :-)

L'Arche d'Aigrefoin

L'Arche Warszawa

when someone helps it is well This is our bead from stage 1 and it is still valid and we believe that community is built around mutual help.

United Kingdom
L'Arche Nottingham - Project

The community got together and choose the images that they think most reflect our community and being together. The hands are painted by Claire S, the picture is of Clare and Katherine who have known each other for years and grown closer through our community. The picture of everyone together represents the community coming together for celebrations.

L'Arche Warszawa

Many people voted for this one and our answer to questiong what giveas us life is mosty that: celebrating each other and respecting differences It is also what we live and our community now. It is what we do and make today.

L'Arche Canada

This is really from L'Arche Monteregie, not L'Arche Canada.

L'Arche Wroclaw

L'Arche Saint John

L'Arche en Agenais

Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso

Nous prenons soin de ceux qui en ont besoin pour avancer selon leur rythme afin de rester toujours ensemble.

United States
L'Arche Heartland

These pictures were taken of a skit put on by members of L'Arche Heartland. It shows that bad things often happen to us on our lives, such as the racers falling down, but one of the blessings and joys of community is that there are always people around us who can help us get back up and keep going.

L'Arche Kenya

The 3rd most precious bead is UNMET EXPECTATIONS As shown in the photo of an unhappy or confused person In the community, people have expectations at different levels which sometimes are not met and it brings about dissatisfactions and confusion. This is a reality in our community and it forms the basis of many challenges in the community. It does not give us life.

United States
L'Arche Boston North dba Irenicon Inc.

We love being part of this L'Arche community because it is a place where we can laugh and have fun together. Community is not always serious business. Some of the best things we remember were spontaneous and surprised us at the time.

L'Arche Joliette

"Tournée" vers l'extérieur. Nous sommes poussé vers l'extérieur. Nous désirons tisser des liens avec les autres: par le rire, la fête, la musique... C'est un prolongement de notre communauté. Nous vouons contribuer à révéler la beauté des gens qui nous entourent.

United Kingdom
L'Arche Kent

Rainbow cake - 'Sharing, celebrating, welcoming difference'

United Kingdom
L'Arche Highland

L'Arche en Pays Toulousain

Un essentiel de l'Arche: nos fêtes.Quel que solt le lieu on est les mêmes. Perle construite en groupe de parole(café philo) de l'atelier de jour. Au visionnage de la perle (sur mur) de l'Arche nouvelle Zélande (photos+texte) le groupe a dit: "c'est exactement comme nous". On est parti de l'idée qui réunit Toulouse et Wapiti...le rugby et le goût de la fête joyeuse malgré les antipodes.

El Arca Buenos Aires

Los resultados acerca de las investigaciones sobre Jean Vanier nos causó un profundo dolor, mezcla de sorpresa y tristeza, y la decepción nos quebró en pedazos, Pero hemos podido poner en palabras la herida y transitamos un duelo necesario para poder sanar. Y pudimos reconstruir la comunidad, dándole un sentido más profundo y humano, con todas sus luces, pero también con sus sombras. Ya no hay dolor, sino la alegría de la esperanza y la fuerza para vivir con comprensión y unión en comunidad.

L'Arche Kaunas

L'Arche Adelaide - Project

Belonging, Meals, Hospitality, Faith, Sharing

L'Arche Aywaille

Arche Tirol

In der Gemeinschaft finden wir einen gemeinsamen Ort, um füreinander da zu sein. Trotz Unterschiedlichkeit gehen wir auf einem gemeinsamen Weg. Durch die Hoffnung und das Geschenk der Liebe erhalten wir Kraft für die Zukunft. In the community we find a common place to be there for each other. Despite differences, we walk on a common path. Through hope and the gift of love, we receive strength for the future.

L'Arche Betzata

Mutual relationships makes us community, not only organization.

L'Arche Saint John

L'Arche à Brest

Appartenir à un ensemble

United States
L'Arche Jacksonville

This is Katrina, who cannot see using her eyes. But, who can say she is blind? Katrina writes and records a 30 minute prayer reflection for the community each week. She sings and plays drums. She is an excellent melodic whistler. In many ways, she experiences freedom from limitations as she doesn't "see" any!

Asha Niketan Asansol

This bead is about forgiveness. Forgiveness is not a simple fact. From pain and suffering we "work" for reconciliation with the other person by trying to repair the situation of pain and discomfort. Once the situation is repaired and we do not keep these feelings inside anymore, we feel free from that pain and suffering. Only after that, we can understand and learn from that situation and become happy.

De Ark Gouda

Communicating with each other across borders gives us energy!

L'Arche Joliette

Coffre à outils (trésors) Chacun de nous apporte ces précieux outils pour contribuer au coffre communautaire. Ensemble, on est de meilleurs ouvriers. On s'encourage, on réalise et découvre de belles choses.

L'Arche Ireland / North Ireland

L'Arche Dublin Bead 1.

L'Arche Zagreb - Korablja

CRISIS – OPPORTUNITY We were shocked and disappointed when the dark secret of Jean Vanier was revealed. In time of crisis we have learned about the importance of keeping faith, about not looking only to the dark side of things but also about seeing these experiences as opportunities for more mutual support and love. Love is inventive. Love always finds way out.

Asha Niketan Bangalore

L'arche is our family and we all feel that we belong here, we receive love and we get help from each other whenever we need it. in some situation we get challenges and sometime we fight sometime but at the end we forgive and forgiven.

L'Arche Lethbridge

De Ark Gent

equal care soin égaux (même hauteur)

L'Arche Gdynia - Project

DIVERSITY is important to us at L'Arche, and this can be reflected, among other things, in : - our different experiences and interests which we share with each other, - We like different music, clothes, hairstyles, - we may have different views and religious beliefs, - we may also have different skin colour, We discover that each of us is different, and this diversity in the community is a gift and an opportunity for growth: individual and community.

United Kingdom
L'Arche Liverpool

Relationships are what gives us life. They enable us to grow, share,explore and be vulnerable. Together we can achieve anything!


L'Arche Fribourg

L'Arche Daybreak Richmond Hill


L'Arche à Paris

L'Arche d'Aigrefoin

L'Arche à Paris

L'Arche Australia

Linked Together - help each other during hard times, being together, relationship, bond, like a big family and feeling like we are all part of something together.

L'Arche Lethbridge

De Ark Gouda

Reciprocal relationships, from the heart

L'Arche Daybreak Richmond Hill


L'Arche Cape Breton

L'Arche Punla

Uniqueness of each one of us.

L'Arche Comox Valley

Our community is a place where we are aware of the importance of caring for ourselves and others so that we are not overwhelmed by the immensity of the task and the pressure of expectations and other commitments.

L'Arche en Agenais

L'Arche Suisse

Arche Landsberg e.V.

IMG_0164: Translation of the text inside the bead: Belonging and trust. Inside L’Arche, we can trust each other, our relationships are based on friendship and everybody belongs. Everybody contributes his*her share and is seen. This fills us with life. A glimpse into what it means to us beside what is written inside: • Both Core-Members and Assistants profit from this bead for it’s the foundation for living together with mutual respect and being on par with each other • Everybody is seen means everybody is highly valued just as they are. Everybody is seen, no matter how small or quiet they or the way they contribute are. • Everybody contributes means we all share responsibility and have to be active in our mission, no matter the role • It’s a warm bead – a sense of belonging and trust goes with affection and feeling at ease, with a safe space where what we entrust each other with is holy.

L'Arche Beni-Abbes

Courage, Openness, Trust

L'Arche Saskatoon

L'Arche is our home. It is where we celebrate, dance, feast, sing, share, belong. We are a family at L'Arche. L'Arche is where our heart is; L'Arche is where we learn to love.

United States
L'Arche Greater Washington DC

Sometimes, people in community ‘go their way and I go mine,’ and that’s ok. We’ve made peace with that. Sometimes it works out. Sometimes it’s not meant to be. We’ve worked hard over the years to create our home… the physical space of it too… with renovating and stuff. This is all hard work and love. And this hard work is from countless people over the years. You can’t fix everything and we can keep working together.

L'Arche Daybreak Richmond Hill

L'Arche Zagreb - Korablja

THE MIRACLE OF COMMUNITY We are all different. Each person is unique, valuable and beautiful. God loves us. He calls us and binds us into a community. When we pray together, work, eat, celebrate, when we dream together, when we are open to meeting others and when we see others as a gift, a miracle of community arises. L’Arche is our second family.

L'Arche Winnipeg Inc.

This picture was taken in Winnipeg at our L'Arche Tova Cafe. We are frustrated at not being able to contribute in our usual ways (e.g. working at the café, participating in our day programs) during the pandemic. Still, L’Arche provides a place in this world where everyone is valued for who they are and has the opportunity to share their gifts. The spirit of God is present as we show concern for each other and experience belonging as equal members in community.


En la Comunidad de Tegucigalpa, Honduras hemos identificado dos grandes perlas: La Transformación: al llegar a la Comunidad lo hacemos como esa materia prima, como el barro con la cual el alfarero elabora hermosas vasijas, poco a poco vamos sufriendo una gran transformación en nuestras vidas; las manos representan el acompañamiento de los equipos que nos van guiando, las manos pequeñitas simbolizan a los que recién llegamos a esta misión, y, las manos grandes son la madurez de aquellos que ya tienen un caminar trazado; cuando llegamos a la transformación en El arca estamos alcanzando una mejor versión de nosotros mismos. La diversidad: Es la integración a través de lo diferente que somos todos pero al final nos unimos en el punto común, moldeados por las manos de Arca, es la unión sin perder la propia identidad.

United States
L'Arche USA

It is essential that we continue to engage in difference. We need to better understand our DIVERSITY—the ways in which we are diverse and the ways we are not. How do we stay curious as we create spaces that are safe and brave to hold difference? We must use these spaces to evoke conversations on power and difference. How we welcome difference and create room for diverse identities within L’Arche in the U.S. will enhance our relevancy as a movement within our cultural context.

L'Arche Sudbury Inc

L'Arche Poland

Skupnost Barka

United States
L'Arche Spokane

The words speak for themselves.

L'Arche Antigonish

L'Arche Outaouais

À L'Arche nous bâtissons des relations à l'intérieur de nos foyers et à l'extérieur avec nos voisins et partenaires. Ces relations nous rendent plus forts, en confiance et nous permettent de grandir. Chaque jour, nous récoltons les fruits de nos amitiés, surtout pendant la pandémie. IL était important de garder et entretenir nos relations avec nos amis que nous ne voyons plus.

L'Arche Le Caillou Blanc

A L'Arche Le Caillou Blanc, ce qui nous donne de la vie c'est d'être ensemble en étant attentif et bienveillant à l'autre, dans toutes les dimensions de notre vie communautaire et particulièrement dans le travail.

L'Arche Arnprior

This step of the Charter Process has been revealing, encouraging and hopeful. We were able to talk about the past year with Covid-19 and Jean's revelation. It was a thorny conversation but hope and community were the theme of our conversations. Supported Independent Living and Leadership team have shared that the beads carry the same words in our hearts and minds but the visual expresses more what we currently live.

Arche Im Nauen

"Sans paroles - le TOUT" - Vivre l'amour/l'amitié - communication nonverbale: se comprendre sans paroles - la cohésion est d'une grande valeur

United Kingdom
L'Arche Preston

Celebrating: Birthdays, parties, festivals such as Easter and Christmas, anniversaries, special days such as Pancake Day, Valentine’s Day and New Year. A key consistent feature of this was special food and drink, along with music and singing. Being Active: Doing the things that make us happy both inside and outside The Loom and Moor Fold Togetherness: Companionship, relationships in ordinary life, trust, helping and respecting each other, spending time together, sitting together, doing things together, being kind, compromise, being cared about - family.

L'Arche Homefires

L'Arche Cork

When we are with friends, we feel safe and happy and we do things together as we like to have fun and share simple things

L'Arche à Grasse

Perle réalisée par l'équipe des bénévoles de l'Arche à Grasse. Diversité à l'Arche, des nationalités, des cultures, des croyances, des religions, l'Arche Internationale. Parfois souffrances et solitudes (cactus). On ne se voit pas parmi la multitude des différences.

United States
L'Arche Heartland

It's a group of L'Arche Heartland members in a circle, symbolizing our relationships with each other which was a very common and important answer when we asked members what gives them life in community.

L'Arche en Anjou

les projets dans le travail, dans la vie sont dynamisants au quotidien

L'Arche Punla

Simplicity of life

L'Arche Brisbane

Friendship, Love and Respect

United States
L'Arche Greater Washington DC

We have good and hard experiences in relationships. This impacts how we see and engage with others. We emphasize times of celebration. Celebration pulls us to see the good, it draws our focus to the ‘best’ in one another. We aren’t always our best selves and that’s ok. L’Arche is a place of freedom and joy that the world doesn’t always encounter, hence… revolution and revelation of the gift in others.

L'Arche Bruxelles

L’Arche en Haute-Savoie

United Kingdom
L'Arche UK

We desire to become more deeply honest about what is gritty: honest about what is hard and what is true

L'Arche Cork

We are the happiest when we are with people who accept us, and who love us. It makes us very happy to spend time with the people we love in our houses and in our day service.

United Kingdom
L'Arche Brecon

Barriers of communication: yes, we have some in our community; issues about inclusion/ exclusion: yes, we have some of these too; but we can take responsibility in front of these questions; and music gives us one way among others to help overcome our communication barriers, and dealing with our issue about exclusion.

United States
L'Arche Syracuse

Celebration; valuing diversity; happy people; feeling accepted; prayer and meditation; energy from other people; together we are better. Called to unity- Unity is founded on the covenant of love to which God calls all the community members. This implies welcome and respect for differences.

La Ferme de Trosly

La communauté de La Ferme est dans l'Arche, de l'Arche, au service de l'Arche. Ce qui nous donne la vie , c'est d'accueillir les groupes et les personnes de l'Arche et de l'extérieur , avoir une vie joyeuse fraternelle et de service , partager la confiance en Dieu et la foi.

L'Arche Toronto

Asha Niketan Chennai

In our community, we feel that L'Arche is our family. L'Arche is a home where there is a joy, love and where we can pray for each other.

Esat de l’Oise

Perles réalisées par les 181 travailleurs et les 52 assistants de l’ESAT de L’Arche, communautés de l’Oise

Ivory Coast
L'Arche Bouake

L'Arche à Reims

Photo : Mr. Le Maire/inauguration de Enéko, notre dernier foyer. Nous sommes tous des citoyens, des membres de la cité. En présence de Mr. le Maire, des représentants du Département et de l'Eglise, nous inaugurons un nouveau foyer. Autrement dit : on ne vit pas l'Arche, seul dans son coin, il est important d'avoir des liens d'insertion dans la société. Groupe consulté : le Conseil de Vie Sociale.

L'Arche Antigonish

Association La Corolle

L'Arche Le Caillou Blanc

A L'Arche Le Caillou Blanc, ce qui nous donne de la vie, c'est l'importance de nos liens d'amitié, qui se vivent dans un engagement fidèle au quotidien et au delà de la distance.

L'Arche Betzata

We meet our diversity every day. Community is as a feast table where all bring something different to share. We share our gifts.

L'Arche à Strasbourg

L'Arche à Brest

Entraide, amitié

United Kingdom
L'Arche Liverpool

L'Arche Kaunas

Asha Niketan Asansol

In our community we feel that we are a family. In this family we love, trust, care, etc. each any everyone and we feel loved by others. There are different religions and we accept everyone and feel accepted as we are. Recently we experienced that an orphan residential Core Member (Pintu Mondal) was shifted to another NGO (by order from the Social Welfare) and Bipul Mora will be shifted soon. We feel a deep pain, helpless and we feel that our family has been broken.

United States
L'Arche Tacoma (Tahoma Hope)

Kendyl, the artist, was so excited to move into L'Arche eight years ago. She told her younger sister, "you should move out, be independent!" She made this exuberant painting in 2017. Now, in the pandemic, we see Kendyl struggling. She is asking to be more independent. She needs help sorting out and managing her emotions. We are asking, what does Kendyl want for her life? What does she need from us right now? We do not abandon Kendyl in her struggle. We work hard to advocate for what she needs from the state. We reassure Kendyl and tell her we love her.

United Kingdom
L'Arche London (UK)

There’s always room at the table Coming together for celebrations

L'Arche Betzata

It is very important for us to be open (to listen, to welcome guests). As well as to have the common goal and common values. Then we can act together and do more! Community is mutual relationships and caring about one another.

L'Arche Halifax

We discussed things that give life (pink), and those that do not give life (yellow). We found that there were many topics that are both challenging and life giving at the same time, shown in the white overlapping zone.

L'Arche d'Aigrefoin

L'Arche Greater Vancouver

L'Arche Zimbabwe

Being the light in the world. Sharing our gifts with the rest of society

La Ferme de Trosly

L'Arche Perth - Project

Insecure, Hard, Feel Alone


Malgré les obstacles et les difficultés auquels chacun de nous fait face quotidiennement , à Al-Safina : on peut s'épanouir dans le respect et la compréhension pour sortir de l'obscurité vers la lumière de l'espèrance

L'Arche Outaouais

Je suis bien chez-moi avec mes amis et les assistants qui m'aiment beaucoup. Chacun y a sa place et il est accepté tel qu'il est. Avec notre grande solidarité, chacun de nous est un modèle et un leader pour l'autre. J'ai besoin d'aide pour faire mes choix et prendre mes décisions. Qui peut m'aider?

L'Arche Joliette

Appel à être ensemble. Nous avons été appelé par Dieu à faire équipe, à partager et à bâtir communauté. Nous apprenons de nouvelles façons de faire ensemble et créons un endroit ou on est bien.

L'Arche Wroclaw

L'Arche Internationale

L'Arche Portland #3 top bead: "Big L'Arche" (L'Arche beyond Portland) Image: Adam, Amanda, & Winnie the Pooh at USA Western Regional Gathering, holding a tapestry co-created by regional members & gifted to each community. L'Arche retreats, gatherings, and trips to other communities help us feel a part of something bigger.

L'Arche L'Etoile

titre : le chemin de l'expérience Tous ensemble, nous ne sommes plus les mêmes. Comme des petites fleurs qui poussent sur le chemin, différentes mais belles, on s’aime. On s’arrose les uns les autres, tout en regardant autours de nous, ceux qu’on aime. Le cadeau c’est nous.

L'Arche à Trosly

Le rire: Rire et bénir ensemble. C'est essentiel pour nous!

L'Arche Cape Breton

United States
L'Arche Tacoma (Tahoma Hope)

L'Arche Bruxelles

L'Arche Sudbury Inc